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Collagen Type XI Alpha

Collagen Type XI Alpha 1 (COL11a1)

Collagen alpha-1(XI) chain is one of the two alpha chains of type XI collagen, a minor fibrillar collagen. Type XI collagen is a heterotrimer but the third alpha chain is a post-translationally modified alpha 1 type II chain. Mutations in this gene are associated with type II Stickler syndrome and with Marshall syndrome. Three transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been identified for this gene.
The findings demonstrate that collagen XI is essential for normal formation of cartilage collagen fibrils and the cohesive properties of cartilage. The results also suggest that the normal differentiation and spatial organization of growth plate chondrocytes are critically dependent on the presence of type XI collagen in cartilage extracellular matrix.

Collagen Type XI Alpha 2 (COL11a2)
COL11A2 is one of several genes that provide instructions for the production of type XI collagen. The COL11A2 gene produces one component of this type of collagen, called the pro-alpha2(XI) chain. Type XI collagen adds structure and strength to the tissues that support the body's muscles, joints, organs and skin (the connective tissue). Type XI collagen is normally found in cartilage, the tissue that cushions bones and joints and makes up the flexible portions of the nose and ears. It is also part of the jelly-like substance that fills the eyeball (the vitreous), the inner ear, and the center portion of the discs between the vertebrae in the spine (nucleus pulposus). Type XI collagen also helps maintain the spacing and diameter of type II collagen fibrils. Type II collagen is an important component of the eye and mature cartilage tissue.

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